Frequently Asked Questions
Some questions that were asked zero or more times.
What should I do when I arrive?
- Walk to the check-out hall.
- Don’t stand immediately in the check-out queue but go to the left section where you can transfer your e-visa invitation.
- Buy the visa with the dollars you brought.
- Go to the check-out line.
- Buy a SIM card, and tell us your new number.
- Go to the ATM and get Vietnamese money.
- Get a taxi or walk to the hotel. Public transport is not worth the hassle. Be careful that you aren’t getting scammed with the taxi, ask the price in advance and check the meter.
What is arranged by you and what should I plan/book myself?
By us:
- Everything we’ll do in Da Lat. Including transportation and activities.
- Transportation on the day of the wedding, we’ll pick you up at the hotel and drop you of in the evening if you don’t go party afterwards.
Plan yourself:
- When going to Da Nang afterwards: everything after the sleeping train arrives back in Saigon, this includes where you’ll stay.
- When only joining us to Da Lat: everything from the latest day in Da Lat, including all transportation.
What kind of clothes should I bring?
As little as possible! Vietnam tends to be quite hot, although it can be a bit chilly in the middle and north of the country, especially in the evening. Either way bringing too many clothes is a burden and greatly decreases the fun of moving from place to place.
For the dress code on the wedding day itself see Dress Code.
What will be the program in Da Lat?
That’s a surprise!
What will we do during the couple of days before the wedding day?
We would love to plan some activities, but due to the possibility of having to organize things for the wedding day itself we can’t commit to anything.
Can I use my non-Vietnamese SIM-card in Vietnam?
You can, although it will cost you a lot of money. It’s highly recommended to buy a SIM card with a data plan on the airport or in the city itself. These are quite cheap and give you good internet coverage almost everywhere.
Where should I get Vietnamese money?
The best place to get it is from the ATM in Vietnam. The exchange rate when getting it in your home country will be very steep. There are ATMs outside of the check-out zone in the airport.
How many people live in Saigon?
According to Wikipedia there are 8,993,082 inhabitants in the municipality in 2019 and 21,281,639 in the metropolitan area!